
Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Doors

By Marilyn Manson

Jim Morrison said it best: "All the children are insane," and he meant it like I mean it. We are children revolted by the banality of what people think is sane. When Jim rambled, quite profoundly, "Rock & roll is dead," and "Hitler is alive. . . . I slept with her last night," he knew then what we are choking on now. You can't change the world, and if you try, you just end up destroying it. We love all things to death. We leave the lights on, turn everything up to ten and fuck everything we fear.

In tenth grade I was told to read No One Here Gets Out Alive, the biography of Jim Morrison. Everything I'm interested in now got started with that book. It made me want to be a writer, and I started with poetry and short stories. We don't know what was really going on in Morrison's head, but I liked trying to piece it together. The immortality of his words, the mystery of his existence appealed to my sense of fantasy. I found "Moonlight Drive" -- particularly when accompanied by "Horse Latitudes" -- scary and sexually mystifying, like Happy Days told by Ted Bundy. I read the poem in front of my tenth-grade English class, and it was as awe-inspiring then as it is now. Words like mute nostril agony and carefully refined and sealed over always stung in the corners of my eyes.

I think the Doors still fit in because they never fit in in the first place. They didn't have a bass player. The music often had nothing to do with Morrison's words. The keyboard held everything together. Most bands can get through a show if the keyboardist breaks a finger. Not the Doors. Robbie Krieger played very odd guitar parts if you compare him to Jimmy Page or Keith Richards. Yet all this combined into something unique that grabbed people's attention.

Morrison's voice was a beautiful pond for anything to drown in. Whatever he sang became as deep as he was. He had the unnameable thing that people will always be drawn to. I've always thought of the Doors as the first punk band, even more than the Stooges or the Ramones. They didn't sound anything like punk rock, but Morrison outshined everyone else when it came to rebellion and not playing by anyone's rules. There are a lot of bands that seem to want to sound like the Doors filtered through grunge or neogrunge -- whatever it is. But it's all just ideas pasted on ideas, faded copies of copies. If you want to be like Jim Morrison, you can't be anything like Jim Morrison. It's about finding your own place in the world.

Saturday's night shit

Timisoara e la fel de vie sambata noaptea ca miercuri la pranz. Cluburile-s deschise toate, nunti in zeci de restaurante, concerte peste concerte, intr-un parc e "populara", intr-altul "chitara". Taxiurile brazda soselele pana in zori, semafoarele dau starturi pentru diversi "Alonso", "Raikkoneni" sau "Hamiltoni" autohtoni in beamveuri si audiuri.
Vreau un club de blues unde berea sa fie la halba, unde Jim Morrison sa nu vie un nume necunoscut, mesele sa fie negre, din lemn mat si masiv, personalul sa aiba chef sa iti asculte labele, cand nu mai ai bani sa iti dea o cinste din partea casei, gagigile sa nu fie platinate si "solarizate" artificial, sa nu deranjeze nimeni.
Vreau chefuri cu chitaristi in fumoarul caminului, vreau bancuri porcoase cu zeci de hohote, vreau bautura la cheta, vreau refrene false in cor.

(text scris in 15 septembrie 2007. De atunci, aproape nimic nu s-a schimbat, ieri seara lucrurile erau cam la fel)